When I got the “awesome” idea to start blogging, I kinda knew that I would be bad at it. “A” writing is not my forte, so this is something that I have to force myself to do. “B” I really do not have enough hours in the day to get the things that I need to get done never mind blogging. I probably should scrap it, but…since I am a stickler to my word (and it is a monsoon outside), and I have no desire to grade a massive stack of papers that have been marinating on my desk, I think I will catch-up and relive some of my antics from April. The cross my fingers that I can stay caught up from this point forward. Where to begin…let’s go back… NYC birthday weekend 2011!!!
I spent a wiiiiiinnnnnndddddddyyyyyyy April weekend in the city. It was a fabulous, fast-paced day filled with a little shopping, a show, and a whole lot of food!!! Just how I like it! Oh! And how could I forget- a run in with Corey Montieth from Glee! He strangely mirrors his character, Finn, in real life- plaid shirt and all.
We zoomed into NYC early and hit the ground running. I was so excited and not paying attention to what could possibly be under my feet, and I almost tripped over a man that was sewing up a festering leg wound while sitting on the steps of Grand Central Station. Prob not the best, most appropriate place to be doing a surgery, but nothing says, “Welcome to NYC” better!
The main reason for the trip was to see the show American Idiot; I got tickets to this gem as a birthday gift.
American Idiot is “rock opera” based off of the Green Day Album of the same name. It is about three guys “trying” to live life and trying to figure things out after 9/11. America Idiot blew my mind along with my ear drums. While I am not a hardcore Green Day fan, it was sort of awesome that Billy Joe Armstrong was in the cast for the last two weeks of the show. The show was phenomenal! I would have recommended that everyone see it, but it closed on April 24…bummer.
One can always Youtube it!
Well a show is only two hours long, what do you do with the rest of the time? Shop and EAT!
Onto the Food Tour! So maybe I like to eat food off of the streets. Sue me if that is a crime… well apparently it is only to my health and well-being. A little Nuts 4 nuts, a churro here, a chicken kabo there… I am limitless. People are usually disgusted by my street eating antics, but I think that they are just jealous that I have stomach made of armor; not so much, but I like to think so! The street food just supplemented my dinner at Bella Vida, Pinoberry fro-yo, and a cupcake from Magnolia!
One qualm, it makes me nuts that there is no logical line or serving order when street eating. I have been known commit the occasional hip check, but when the people were swinging elbows over food that is going to most likely send them searching for Pepto, I want to yell, “Everyone will get their dirty water dog! Just be patient!” Yeah you...lady from Louisiana! Acting like you are all nice and proper- smh.
The weekend was wicked awesome and there is so much other stuff that I could have included, unfortunaltey, I cannot remember everything that happened a month ago! Here's to hoping that I can stay on top of things- summer is coming! Which means...free time!