Friday, June 24, 2011

It's been quite a journey…

By my lack of posts, one may think that there has not been anything too blog worthy going on in my life, and to that I would have to say,”You have been sadly mistaken.” It has been just the opposite. If anything, it has been “life overload”…in the best way possible of course. Since the last time I last blogged, Easter, dare I say that it has been the most exciting, gut-wrenching and fulfilling time that has sky rocketed me on the next chapter of my life.
So what could have possibly have happened in that short amount of time- basically opportunity came knocking, everything went right in the universe, I utilized my mouth (I have been told, "my gift is my gab"), crossed my fingers and put my trust in other people. Basically, I forced everything to "fall" into place. It was one heck of a journey where I experienced every emotion possible, but in the end, it was worth it in every way possible.
Here are some things that I believe even more now:
1.       Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Nothing, and I mean nothing, ever comes easy for me, and I would guess for many others either. For those that have stuff fall on their me in the parking lot :P For those liek me who fight tooth and nail you must: keep your eyes on the prize, work hard and then fight like a possessed-being when opportunity shows its face!

2.       Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution. - Deepak Chopra
·         Surround yourself with people that believe in you and inspire you.
·         You just gotta roll with what you got at that moment and make the best of it; something more will come along

3.       Hard work and perseverance are important but also having some balls (wait can i say that) is pretty much the answer to getting what you want...which leads me to #4

4.       Advocate for yourself. I have heard it time and time again from professionals with the rationale of...if you don’t speak up how is anyone gonna read your mind and know what you want!

5.       Be bold and take chances…and come crawling back when things don’t work out… It makes you stronger. Plus you will have wicked awesome stories to tell!

6.       Have hoop…will jump. Sometimes it is just part of the deal.

7.       Sometimes, when people hold you in high regards those high expectations are hard to continue to live up to

8.       Never stop thinking about your next step…set new goals after one has been met. Must keep moving forward.

Oh and you may be wondering what I am referring to...I got a new job :P I wish I would say In the end it is really quite simple, but it wasn't...I earned it- probably the best way to get things in life.

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