Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Start of Something New: Resolutions

I kinda had it with the New Years Resolution deal...I make them and break them like it is my job. No sooner does the clock strike 12:01:01 on January 1, am I thinking, "How am I ever going to stick to this...?"

But, I did make one this year-- to take more pictures. How hard can that be, right? How much of a sacrifice is that? What kind of a fool will fail at that? Oh! right here, This guy! It sounded simple. BUT it seems to be just as hard as cutting out flour (that always makes me laugh when people say such silly things) or giving up Starbucks.  

It started off ok. I took a whole bunch in NYC- capture that EPIC legendary moment. It is not like I would ever forget it anyway...survivor status.

Then I took one of my classroom after I returned from an eleven day vacation to find that it basically rejected itself and was a complete disaster area. Nothing says "fresh new start" like...

The most recent picture I took was of two containers of fermented cabbage juice-
who else finds stuff like this in cabinets.

I need to turn this around...or get a new resolution.
I think I need to go back to the drawing boards with my 2012 new years resolution

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sometimes when you think it is the is only the beginning

2011 snuck right into my life during a huge transition. It was welcomed with open arms because everyone was telling me, "This is gonna be your year (2011)," but at the same time, I had very little expectation that it was going to be fantastic! I am skeptical; well didn't your mama ever tell you to never believe everything you hear. All I knew was that I had a lot of work ahead of me, and I did not have a crystal ball.

Six days into the new year, I spent the transition between Chili's to the movies theater having the worlds biggest melt down in the passenger seat of my friend's car. A tumultuous start to what was promised to be "my year." Up until this point, I had mumbled or thought up a 1 million, "It's not fair"s and questioned why I did not "deserve" the same things that people were handed to them. I was temporarily eased as I watched Mark Walhberg sans shirt while eating nachos and cheese per my friend's tab. Yeah, I was in a bit of a "slump," but I was quickly forced to be catapulted out.

In Febrary, I literally went from swimming with dolphins to sliding down the highest steepest water slide into suburban middle school. I uttered, "No, the baby does not come out of your pee whole" more times than I could have ever imagined that I would have to. My new job kinda rotted but it gave me let's say...swagger. Maybe I wasn't so bad. I got "the call" and came my "work-home?" I fought for a job and promised things that were a bit out of my league but was left to keep my end of the deal. The biggest thing...people believed in me. I signed a contract or two and handed over the mother of all checks to get "the denominator" which has left me dependent on Stop and Shop gas points. I studied entropy, enthalpy, nuclear chemistry and REDOX reactions until my brain just about combusted; Chemistry may just prove to be my savior-- cut, cut, cut. Maybe miracles do exist; not once but twice. Or maybe it truly is, "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

I learned that the person that you least expect can be a phony, lying, back stabbing bitch. But at the same time, I learned that the people you least expect can care for you the most and you find that out when you need to hear it the most. The best of friends do not always come from time known but maybe with things understood- thanks for passing the trash can.Sometimes, the world does not make sense, and it is not worth your time and energy to figure it out. Out with the old and in with the new. 

During 2011, it has been confirmed that I am a lot smarter and stronger than many people including myself ever thought. There is no greater feeling than realizing that.  I have learned that you can only do your best...and that has to be good enough. There is such a thing as "only being human." I have met some and gotten to many people who just enrich my life and inspire me everyday. I have found it easier to tell people to f*ck off and it has become a little harder, to say love you, but it means more when I do say it.

I had things given to me, taken away and then given right back with a lot of hard work and fml's.

My journey through 2011 began with the a quiet news years eve of 2010 spent with friends, and it ended one year to the day with me standing, and sometimes sitting, smack dab in the middle of the cross roads of the world with 1.5 million people waiting with abated breath for the moment that everyone around the world waits to happen- ring in the new year and say good riddance to the last. So good bye 2011; you showed me the way. I finally feel like I have control of my own destiny. For the first time in a very long time, I can say that I have a lot of good things waiting in 2012 because I have the power to make them happen.

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's been quite a journey…

By my lack of posts, one may think that there has not been anything too blog worthy going on in my life, and to that I would have to say,”You have been sadly mistaken.” It has been just the opposite. If anything, it has been “life overload”…in the best way possible of course. Since the last time I last blogged, Easter, dare I say that it has been the most exciting, gut-wrenching and fulfilling time that has sky rocketed me on the next chapter of my life.
So what could have possibly have happened in that short amount of time- basically opportunity came knocking, everything went right in the universe, I utilized my mouth (I have been told, "my gift is my gab"), crossed my fingers and put my trust in other people. Basically, I forced everything to "fall" into place. It was one heck of a journey where I experienced every emotion possible, but in the end, it was worth it in every way possible.
Here are some things that I believe even more now:
1.       Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Nothing, and I mean nothing, ever comes easy for me, and I would guess for many others either. For those that have stuff fall on their me in the parking lot :P For those liek me who fight tooth and nail you must: keep your eyes on the prize, work hard and then fight like a possessed-being when opportunity shows its face!

2.       Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution. - Deepak Chopra
·         Surround yourself with people that believe in you and inspire you.
·         You just gotta roll with what you got at that moment and make the best of it; something more will come along

3.       Hard work and perseverance are important but also having some balls (wait can i say that) is pretty much the answer to getting what you want...which leads me to #4

4.       Advocate for yourself. I have heard it time and time again from professionals with the rationale of...if you don’t speak up how is anyone gonna read your mind and know what you want!

5.       Be bold and take chances…and come crawling back when things don’t work out… It makes you stronger. Plus you will have wicked awesome stories to tell!

6.       Have hoop…will jump. Sometimes it is just part of the deal.

7.       Sometimes, when people hold you in high regards those high expectations are hard to continue to live up to

8.       Never stop thinking about your next step…set new goals after one has been met. Must keep moving forward.

Oh and you may be wondering what I am referring to...I got a new job :P I wish I would say In the end it is really quite simple, but it wasn't...I earned it- probably the best way to get things in life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Surprise!! American Idiot!

When I got the “awesome” idea to start blogging, I kinda knew that I would be bad at it. “A” writing is not my forte, so this is something that I have to force myself to do. “B” I really do not have enough hours in the day to get the things that I need to get done never mind blogging. I probably should scrap it, but…since I am a stickler to my word (and it is a monsoon outside), and I have no desire to grade a massive stack of papers that have been marinating on my desk, I think I will catch-up and relive some of my antics from April. The cross my fingers that I can stay caught up from this point forward. Where to begin…let’s go back… NYC birthday weekend 2011!!!

I spent a wiiiiiinnnnnndddddddyyyyyyy April weekend in the city. It was a fabulous, fast-paced day filled with a little shopping, a show, and a whole lot of food!!! Just how I like it! Oh! And how could I forget- a run in with Corey Montieth from Glee! He strangely mirrors his character, Finn, in real life- plaid shirt and all.
We zoomed into NYC early and hit the ground running. I was so excited and not paying attention to what could possibly be under my feet, and I almost tripped over a man that was sewing up a festering leg wound while sitting on the steps of Grand Central Station. Prob not the best, most appropriate place to be doing a surgery, but nothing says, “Welcome to NYC” better!
The main reason for the trip was to see the show American Idiot; I got tickets to this gem as a birthday gift.
American Idiot is “rock opera” based off of the Green Day Album of the same name. It is about three guys “trying” to live life and trying to figure things out after 9/11. America Idiot blew my mind along with my ear drums. While I am not a hardcore Green Day fan, it was sort of awesome that Billy Joe Armstrong was in the cast for the last two weeks of the show. The show was phenomenal! I would have recommended that everyone see it, but it closed on April 24…bummer. 
One can always Youtube it!
Well a show is only two hours long, what do you do with the rest of the time? Shop and EAT!
Onto the Food Tour! So maybe I like to eat food off of the streets. Sue me if that is a crime… well apparently it is only to my health and well-being.  A little Nuts 4 nuts, a churro here, a chicken kabo there… I am limitless. People are usually disgusted by my street eating antics, but I think that they are just jealous that I have stomach made of armor; not so much, but I like to think so!  The street food just supplemented my dinner at Bella Vida, Pinoberry fro-yo, and a cupcake from Magnolia!   
One qualm, it makes me nuts that there is no logical line or serving order when street eating. I have been known commit the occasional hip check, but when the people were swinging elbows over food that is going to most likely send them searching for Pepto, I want to yell, “Everyone will get their dirty water dog! Just be patient!” Yeah you...lady from Louisiana! Acting like you are all nice and proper- smh. 
The weekend was wicked awesome and there is so much other stuff that I could have included, unfortunaltey, I cannot remember everything that happened a month ago! Here's to hoping that I can stay on top of things- summer is coming! Which time!  

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The legend of the birthday month….

In a time not too long ago, there was a crazy, lady who celebrated her birthday like it was her job, but with a reckless abandonment and a twinkle in her eye that does not get sparked from grading papers and reminding students to stay in their seats while flashing the evil “are you kidding me” teacher’s eye. In her early adult years, April has always been a month full of hope and promise in a   ”just give me a reason to celebrate” kind of time. With hair carelessly blowing in the early spring night air and a new pair of shinny, expensive shoes, she had late night-after-nights out on the town with those that enthusiastically embraced her very same "just give me a reason to go out and celebrate mentality" without the worry of fiancés and husbands/wives, early work mornings, new homes and way more bills and babies. duh, duh, duh …adult life has pulled up and everyone has seemed to jump on the train…a trained filled with real responsibilities which means less time for those, shall I admit it- overly frequent- birthday celebratory kind of nights. Now those nights during the birthday month are more few and far between, but they still exist...they are just a little different (and yes...I know different isn't a bad is just different- thank you for the reminder twin cousin). Maybe now, they mean more... It is April 9, and while the birthday month of 2011 is not the nonstop, crazy time it once was, it has been has been just enough.
Updates will follow…

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Heellllllloooooo there!

This is me...
"Oh what big teeth you have..."
 (circa 1986)
Me again...

I still have not grown into them...
And again...just being Kendra

1 little... 2 little... 3 margaritas!!!

If you are reading this, you most likely already know me…but it may have been a while since our paths have crossed...which translates to "chatted over a drink and an app." Let’s get reacquainted.
1. I love the beach and everything that comes with it: the warm sunshine, sun dresses, sun glasses, sun screen….the feeling of chilled jugo de vida being slathered on a 2.5 degree burns (that was a shout out, but I don’t know if the intended person is out there reading)
2. I only like to eat the ends of brownies; the corners are my favorite (crispy and burned please)! I do not understand why people cut then off and throw them out. Total waste! Word on the street is that some genius made a pan that bakes only "end" brownies; I need to get my hands on one of those!
3. I have a twin cousin who means the world to me (more about that conundrum later)
4. My remedy to get myself through a poor slump; spending time at Barnes and Nobel reading mags while sipping a skinny latte with whipped cream and a dash of cocoa powder and a sprinkle of vanilla. (I probably should not be indulging in Starbucks if I am poor...but I am an addict)
5. I am inspired by those who have truly overcome obstacles to live an authentic life or people who do amazing things and are kind and true to others…not really into ulterior motives.
6. I firmly believe that I can hide behind a pair of oversized sun glasses and be invisible. It is by no means feasible, but there are days that I would like to think so.
7. I have been told that I am too loud…I can’t disagree with that. I have one volume and it is “loud.” What do you expect? I am Italian; that is how we communicate best.
8. If I could have one superpower, I would want the ability to read people’s minds. Others have told me that this would be the worst superpower to have, but there is probably no better way to get to the truth.
9. I think the DVR is a master invention, as well as the Keurig Single Cup coffee brewer
10. I wear fat pants when necessary, and I am not ashamed to admit it. Desperate times call for desperate measures...
11. Piperlime, Overstock, Zappos and BlueFly were all created to test my genes for addiction as well as my self-restraint
12. I utilize my library card...often
13. Sports, of any kind, make me happy especially if I am smack-dab in the middle of the action. Being a fan at a spectator sport…exhilarating!
14. Even though I am open minded and tolerant, I hate glitter and clowns with a passion!!! There is not room in my life for either.
15. I have been described as a "guy's girl;" I can hang with the guys, throw down at "all you can eat wings" night, and also play a mean game of touch football, but I have to have my gfs to do fun stuff like shop, pedis, talk BFrankel, etc.
Finally, "I feel my greatest work is yet to come."